Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Visiting Scientists
  • Min Zhang Sep. 15th to Dec. 15th. This visit is in the framework of out “DAESD” Associated Team with ECNU Shanghai. The subject is on contextual/parametric bisimulations for the pNets (Parameterized Networks of Synchronized automata).

  • Gabriel Wainer Jun. 15th - July 7th. This visit is in the context of the DISSIMINET Associate Team between Inria and Carleton University. The subject is on simulation in the Cloud and Handheld devices.

  • Yanwen CHEN: Cotutelle with ECNU Shanghai, visits in Inria planned 6 to 9 month each year.

    • Subject: Programmation d'applications hétérogènes embarquées et distribuées

    • Institution: UNS & East China Normal University (China)

  • Quirino ZAGARESE (from Jan 2012 until Aug 2012)

    • Subject: Lazy loading of data in service oriented and event oriented interaction software architecture models

    • Institution: University Sannio (Italy)

  • Michel Jackson DE SOUZA (from Jul 2012 until Aug 2013)

    • Subject: Distributed coherent snapshot solution for the P2P CAN-based Event Cloud

    • Institution: UFBA Federal University of Bahia (Brasil), Science sans Frontière brazilian mobility program

Visits to International Teams

  • Fabien Hermenier visited the Flux Team at the University of Utah from September to December 2012. This visit allowed us to enhance our collaboration on the study of the Utah' Emulab in order to improve testbed designs.  [22]

  • Ludovic Henrio, Eric Madelaine, and Cristian Ruz visited NIC-Labs and CIRIC center in Santiago de Chile in July 2012 (1 week visit); a workshop was also held during the week.